PPC Advertising Services

ppc advertising services

#No 1 PPC Marketing Services in India

We Provide the Best PPC Advertising Services

Based in Kolkata, Marphics is a leading PPC Advertising agency in India that provides google ad management services to help you grow faster and boost your revenue with hyper-targeted PPC advertising. Whether you want to grow traffic or escalate conversions, our proven PPC management services can help you reach your goal.

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#Leading PPC management service provider in India

PPC Management Services That Grow Businesses

PPC, or Pay-Per-Click advertising, is one of the best digital marketing channels to target potential audiences for your business. PPC allows you to reach your most qualified customers where they are already searching for the product or services you offer. Marphics is one of the leading PPC management service providers based in Kolkata, India to deliver custom PPC campaigns to help you increase both conversions and revenue for your company to Drive Greater Brand Growth.

What is PPC Marketing?

PPC or pay-per-click is basically an online marketing model where advertisers pay a certain amount for each time users click on their ads. This paid marketing model allows you to reach your eligible audience where they are already looking for products or services and help you gain an advantage over your competitors.

Well-optimized PPC ads appear on the top of the SERPs. Now when customers clicks on these ads they will be taken to a specific page of your website depending on the purpose of your campaign. This could be your homepage, product page or, perhaps, a landing page specifically built for this ad campaign.

PPC Management Services
PPC Management Services-diferent tye ads

What Are the Different Types of PPC Ads?

When we talk about PPC, people usually think of Google PPC. However, this Pay per click model is not limited to Google search advertising and Google Display Network advertising. From social media sites like Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram to YouTube every platform uses this PPC model. There are different types of Pay per click ads available on various platforms. Let’s have a closer look at them……

Search Ads

Search Engine Ads are the most common form of ads of the PPC model. The reason behind the popularity of this type of advertising is that people are already searching for products or services online. So instead of providing implicit information about the product or service, this type of PPC advertising is based on the obvious needs of the users. This indicates that you are more likely to get clicks on these Search ads and conversions. Our expert team of pay per click recommends search ads if you have a small ad budget, or you are into "Emergency" or "Specific" product or service & aiming to acquire qualified leads from new customers. 

Display Ads

Another popular & effective form of pay-per-click advertising is Display advertising. Unlike search engine ads, display ads refer to the advertising of the service or products through visual images & videos to attract the attention of the users & spread brand awareness on Google’s partner websites, Facebook& Twitter, etc. Our PPC experts recommend this type of pay-per-click ad to companies with luxury or lengthy sales cycle customers. Display advertising is best for building brand awareness. If you need help with Display ads contact us now.

Social Ads

Social media ads are one of the quickest and most effective PPC ads where you can connect with your target audience. Nowadays more and more brands are getting on board with social media ads as they provide plenty of lucrative opportunities & are a great way to boost your brand awareness. Well-optimized social ads can propel a brand forward as it uses the most popular social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Twitter. Here advertisers have the opportunity to target potential customers as the social ads are programmed to reach prospects based on their hobbies, interests, likes, dislikes, recent activities, and many other factors.

Google Shopping Ads

Do you own an ecommerce business and want to reach customers with a clear purchase intent? If your answer is yes, then Google Shopping ad is for you. This kind of PPC ads allow retailers to market their products to searchers in a visually appealing way. These ads often appear in a carousel at the top and sometimes besides of the Google's original search results, with clear product images, titles, prices, seller names, and product ratings. So, here users get a clear idea about the products even before they click on someone’s website. This means you have a higher chance of converting that you are paying for each click, assuming your target customers have already explored all product offers in Google Shopping ads.

Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon is the third most popular advertising platform, as it allows Amazon sellers to advertise their products to the qualified customers who are already searching for products on Amazon. This helps Amazon sellers drive sales and build brand awareness in a faster way. So, if you are a seller at amazon and would like to further amplify the sales of your products you can contact us. We leverage the technical knowledge and expertise of our PPC experts to manage your Amazon PPC promotions and increase your profit margins.

Gmail Sponsored Ads

Gmail Sponsored Promotions which also known as Gmail Sponsored Ads or Gmail Ads is another popular PPC model that allows advertisers to serve ads right in their prospect's inboxes, where they spend an average of 20 hours per week. GSP has a strong Call to actions like a form or click-to-call ability that enables prospects to make direct contact with you and convert at any point of your sales funnel. The best part about GSP ads is that they enable you to target audiences based on the domains they receive emails from. If you want to generate high-quality clicks, contact us now to set up GSP ads for your company.

Local Services Ads

If you belong to specific industries such as locksmiths, plumbers, garage door professionals, electricians, and HVAC services and have a limited local client base, then you need to consider Local service ads. Local Services Ads connect you to local customers looking for the services you offer. Google Local Services ads appear at the top of the search results, above organic results and traditional Google ads. The best part about these local service ads is that they are pay-per-lead ads rather than pay-per-click, so you only pay if someone contacts you through the ad. Contact us now if you want to grow your local business.

In Stream Ads

Previously, in-stream ads were referred to as YouTube ads, but Facebook has recently introduced streaming ads where advertisers are allowed to run ads before or during a video. In-stream ads are basically video ads that are normally 15 to 30 seconds long. The video can be targeted to an audience similar to your brand's or placed in videos that match the keywords in your ad. Thus, it enables you to present your ads to viewers that match your audience's demographics or interests. So, if you need any help with in-stream video ads feel free to contact us now!

Remarketing Ads

Re-marketing (or retargeting) is the process of presenting personalized ads across the Internet to people who have already visited your website. The key idea behind remarketing is to reach out to users who already know your brand or products or services and are more likely to convert. The process of retargeting can be narrowed down to three steps:

1) A user visits your website or consumes your brand’s content.
2) This user is then tagged with a cookie and added to a remarketing custom audience list.
3) We then create an ad campaign to show users in this list only.

PPC Help For your Business

Would you like to start a PPC Campaign with us?

Let us help you to grow your business through effective PPC campaigns. Let’s discuss how we can help you!

SEO vs. PPC: Which is the Right Strategy for Your business?

Determining whether SEO or PPC or a combination of both, is the best marketing approach for your business, is not a decision that can be made without fully understanding your business & target audience. It depends on various factors like the industry your business belong to, the budget you have, demographics & online activities of your target audience etc.

ppc vs seo

Search Engine optimization


SEO is often referred as organic or natural lead generation process to improve organic traffic to your website & establishing your online credibility. It consists of optimizing your website so that it provides the best possible results for users and improves their ranking on search engine results pages. While SEO is considered to be the most cost effective way to build lead for your website, it has some drawbacks.

SEO is time-consuming. An Ahrefs survey found that about 95% of the pages published don’t make it into the top 10 in a year.
And most of the “lucky” websites, which manage to get there, do it in about 2–6 months. This is why many marketers rely on PPC to achieve their marketing goals in a very short time. So, if you are looking for a quick online marketing approach that promises instant result, gives you full control & flexibility PPC should be your choice.

Pay Per Click

ppc advertising services

PPC, on the other hand, allows you to drive search engine traffic by auctioning or bidding on keywords related to your product or service and presenting their ads to the right customers at the right time and in the right place. Whereas SEO delivers you free traffic, in PPC you have to pay every time someone clicks on your ads. But the reason why PPC considered to be the most effective marketing channel is that It provides you with laser-targeted visibility that speeds up the customer purchase journey and eventually improves your conversion rate.

So, both of the SEO & PPC has their own pros and cons and it works best when we integrate these two marketing channels together. It was never SEO vs PPC; each channel compliments the other when optimized properly. Combined SEO & PPC strategies not only offer maximum visibility but also drives relevant traffic to your website. But if your goal is to promote your products and services quickly and get instant results, then PPC is the right choice for you.

best rated PPC agency

Best-rated PPC Marketing Agency in India

Take advantage of PPC marketing & Achieve Record Revenue

Marphics is leading Pay per click marketing agency in Kolkata, India. Our pay per click advertising company has helped businesses of all sizes throughout the globe to increase their revenue, build brand awareness and achieve their marketing goals. We painstakingly customize every campaign & optimize them on a regular basis t ensure that you get the best ROI from them. That is why we are the best rated PPC marketing agency in Kolkata, India. Regardless of the size or budget of your business, we leave no stone unturned to give you the best return on each penny you spend on PPC.

How PPC Marketing can Help Your Businesss

#Paid Search that Pays Off

Pay per click is the most powerful digital marketing channel that increases your conversions and maximize your ROI. PPC ads delivers quick & effective results while helping businesses to gain greater visibility on search engines like Google or Bing, Moreover, PPC visitors are 50 percent more likely to make a purchase than organic visitors (Unbounce).

Let’s have a look on the other benefits of investing in PPC advertising services:

Fast Result

The main advantage of PPC marketing is that it gives immediate and consistent results. This is why businesses that are interested in making quick revenue and want to promote their brand offerings in a short window, should always prefer PPC marketing over other marketing channels. However, it is important to know a PPC campaign can get better results once it has enough data on it's performance- the data can be used to further optimize the campaign to get sky-high ROI.

Improved Brand visibility

Whether your business is brand new or more established, PPC advertising can help you build brand awareness by showing your products or services to where target customers are spending time. PPC acts as a catalyst in many parts of your marketing funnel, including awareness phase,and converts those prospects into high-converting customers.

Boost SEO Performance

However there is no direct link between organic SEO rankings in search engine result pages & PPC campaigns, but studies showed that businesses that use integrated SEO & PPC strategies are more likely to improve SEO rankings. The fact is that when a business optimizes its web pages for a PPC campaign, it inadvertently improves their SEO rankings by targeting same keywords and audiences for improved quality scores.

Targeted, More Controlled Ads

PPC ads can be customized according to your needs. This gives marketers complete control over displaying ads at a very specific level. It allows a marketer how, when, and where their ads are to be displayed including the specific days, locations and for which search query the ads should be displayed & not to be displayed. It also allows to target users based on their demographics, interests, currently what they are looking for, purchase history, and more.

Easy to Get Started

It is true that every marketer agrees, starting with PPC advertising is much easier than any other marketing channel. Unlike high-cost and labor-intensive traditional advertising, time-consuming SEO, or content-centric marketing strategies, PPC is easy to set up and get started running. Once PPC ads are created and approved by the platforms, they immediately start appearing in search results and drive sales.

Trackable Data

This is another one of the big pluses in PPC that traditional non-digital strategies don’t offer; PPC advertising services provide measurable and trackable data, eliminating the guesswork in campaign tracking and reporting. With the help of Google Analytics Tool, it is very easy to measure impressions, clicks, conversions, etc - a wide range of metrics and that can be used to improve PPC campaigns by making effective changes.

PPC Visitors are More Likely to Convert

According to data published by Unbounce shows that PPC visitors are 50% more likely to convert than those that came from an organic link. Another data from Wordstream suggests that on average, 41% of clicks go to the top 3 paid ads on the search results page. These are the main reasons why PPC ad visitors are more likely to purchase a product than organic visitors.

Quick Experimentation

Another reason for the popularity of the PPC advertising service is that it allows marketers to do A/B split testing. Pay-per-click marketers create different versions of your PPC ads to validate which campaign is working best to generate the highest possible conversion rate and which one needs further optimizations.

Greater Amount of Budget Control

Don't have a large budget to spend on your ongoing Digital Marketing Effort? No worries! One of the biggest reasons to use PPC advertising is because you get very granular control of how your budget is spent. As mentioned earlier, you only pay when your ads are clicked. There are no paid barriers to entry, making Pay per click advertising a cost-effective way to introduce your new products and services to the online marketplace.


Best PPC Advertising services in Kolkata, India

PPC Agency that Delivers Result

Since 2015, we've been supporting businesses of all sizes with our full-service-per-click advertising services to increase their revenue and achieve their marketing goals. Our complete focus is to set up high-performing campaigns that actually drive results by analyzing the data.

What makes us different than other PPC agencies in Kolkata, India

Marphics is a reputed PPC marketing agency in Kolkata, India that has the experience & expertise to identify opportunities and generate the best possible return on ad spend. We don't only optimize your campaigns so that they get more clicks. Because traffic to your website doesn't always convert into sales. To convert the maximum number of PPC ad visitors into actual buyers you need to have an optimized landing page with effective UX design, high converting CTA buttons, compelling ad copy, proper keyword & other PPC strategies. As you can see like all marketing efforts, it takes time, effort, and a little trial and error to reach the ROI you dreamed of. Whatever the size of your business or the PPC ad budget you have, one thing you can rest assured that if you hire us, we ensure we squeeze every last drop of revenue from the PPC ad campaign.

Request Us a Call Back

Here’s what you can expect when you hire our pay per click marketing agency:

As a reputed digital marketing company and PPC firm in Kolkata, India, you can only expect the best PPC advertising service from Murphics to get a better online presence and achieve your marketing goals. Let's have a look, once you hire us for your PPC advertising what you can expect from us:

Comprehensive PPC Audit

Comprehensive PPC Audit

Our PPC advertising firm ensures that we closely monitor all the possible aspects of your PPC campaign to deliver the maximum ROI



We always maintain transparency with our clients in our detailed reports and communications

Dedicated PPC Specialist

Dedicated PPC Specialist

At Marphics, once you signup with our PPC service, we provide a dedicated PPC Specialist who will handle all your campaigns & address your questions

Best ROI

Best ROI

With our expertise in PPC we always make sure that you get the best ROI for every penny you spend

Detailed Reporting

Detailed Reporting

At Marphics, we keep yu updated with every activity & progress of the PPC Campaign at all times. Our detailed report includes conversions, ROI & campaign performance

Customer Oriented PPC Company

Customer Oriented PPC Company

Once you hire us for your PPC advertising, starting from setting your marketing goal to acheve it, we act as your in-house marketing agency